
Spheres of Might and Power; 5th edition D&D Supplements

Created by Adam Meyers

The 5th edition Dungeons and Dragons conversion for the Spheres of Power and Spheres of Might systems!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Spheres of Power PDFs Away!!
almost 4 years ago – Mon, Feb 15, 2021 at 07:50:57 PM

This is it; the first PDF has been sent out. If you are owed a PDF copy of Spheres of Power, it should have just arrived, sent via Drivethru RPG. If you should have gotten one and didn't, please let me know; it might be that your card was never charged and the information needs to be updated, or it could be that I simply made a mistake and can get your copy sent out to you. 

As mentioned yesterday, we will have a week delay to upload the final version; if you find anything that needs to be corrected, please message me so we can get it fixed. After that, we will get the book to the printer and then release it for general sale.

Spheres of Might will follow the same pattern but on a one-week delay; we will get you the PDF next Monday, then a week later will upload the final version with any fixes we missed for the printer.

What Now?

When the books are finally available for general sale we will of course be advertising everywhere we can. This means we've been reaching out to and will continue to reach out to every youtuber and reviewer we can. If you or someone you personally know might be interested in doing a review or overview, please let us know or put them in touch with us. Getting the books made is only the first step; if we're going to revolutionize the 5e community, we need to get the word out and let everyone know what we're sending out.

Thank You

I'm not sure what else to say. Thank you to everyone who playtested these rules. Thank you to everyone who lent support to make this possible. Thank you to everyone who helped bring this about. We couldn't have done this with each and everyone of you. It means so much to us that you've given us this opportunity.


1-Day Delay, Release Schedule
almost 4 years ago – Sun, Feb 14, 2021 at 09:04:39 PM

We had an error that meant we had to reconstruct part of the InDesign file, and I'm currently staring down the final adjustments that need to be made to the Spheres of Power PDF to add on its OGL and cover and it's too much at the moment, so the PDF will not be out today.

It will, however, be out tomorrow.

In order to make sure that the PDFs are in their best shape before being released to the world and put into print, specifically they will be out in the following order:

  • Tomorrow, February 15th, we will release to all of you the PDF of Spheres of Power.
  • A week from that day (February 22nd), we will update Spheres of Power with anything we might have missed that snuck through our internal editing (there's always something). On that day we will send Spheres of Power to the printer, and release to you the PDF of Spheres of Might.
  • A week from THAT day (March 1st), we will do a similar update to Spheres of Might and send that to the printer as well.
  • Once those books are back from the printer we will release both books to the world, sending everyone their print copies and releasing both books for sale to the larger world.

I was hoping not to have to delay things by a day, but I hope you can extend your understanding to us.

The PDFs will drop February 14th
about 4 years ago – Tue, Feb 02, 2021 at 03:17:15 PM

Hopefully. We're still putting things together as quickly as we can, but that's the goal.

We've still got some new artwork coming in. 

And we're doing editing passes to make sure the text is as perfect as we can make it. Barring any situations outside of our control, it will be in your hands in two weeks.

5e Spheres, January 1st Update
about 4 years ago – Fri, Jan 01, 2021 at 06:27:52 PM

I was really hoping to have the PDFs ready by the end of December, but it turned out not to be. I can say, though, that baring injury or something equally terrible, we should have a launch ready by the end of January for you.

The books are shaping up well. Thanks to everyone's efforts during the playtest I think the systems are playing quite nicely. We've also got some very fun artwork coming to pad out our current supply:

And we're starting to reach out to everyone we can about the launch! Well, 'everyone' being podcasters and youtubers we know, but if anyone knows someone else we could reach out to, we'd love to get the word out more.

I suppose there's not that much else to report, except that we're hard at work and can't wait to show you the finished products. Thank you all for your support and feedback, and helping us make 5pheres the best it can be.

Thank you,


November Update: State of the Book and Art Concepts
about 4 years ago – Fri, Nov 20, 2020 at 01:47:41 PM

I was hoping to be done with the play test a while ago. That way the mechanics could sit for a while before putting them in the book. However, we've kept finding more things to update, which means at this rate I feel like we’ll be making changes right up until the book goes to print.

However, whether we’re done making changes or not, the time has come to start compiling all of the other bits of the book. There’s still some flavor text to write, art to compile, and other such bits to help us make the books as good as they can be. So, while the playtest is unfortunately still ongoing for now, we will start having much more to share with you as we put things together. I don't know if we'll still be able to get this book out before the end of December, but we will do our absolute best to do so, and will keep you updated on our progress.

Speaking of art, there inevitably will be spaces for art in the books that we don’t yet have something to fill, and one of my favorite parts of a Kickstarter campaign is seeing what art ideas backers come up with.

If you have something you’d like to see in the book, please leave it in a comment below. If one of our artists like it, it just might make it in.

Thank you all again. The time has come to start putting this book together, and I can’t wait to see what it looks like.