
Spheres of Might and Power; 5th edition D&D Supplements

Created by Adam Meyers

The 5th edition Dungeons and Dragons conversion for the Spheres of Power and Spheres of Might systems!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Backerkit Live
almost 5 years ago – Fri, Mar 27, 2020 at 11:54:47 PM

As previously mentioned, we'll be using Backerkit to handle the surveys, the add-ons, the collection of other important information, as well as handling any late backers that want to join in. They ask us to do a smoke test first (where emails are sent out to only a few backers, just in case something has gone wrong it can be fixed before everyone else comes in), but once that's done, expect to see your invites to backerkit either tonight or tomorrow.

We still haven't hit the two week period for Kickstarter to release funds to us and give us a definitive list of backers, but once that's done we'll send out the playtest packets to you as well.

Thank you all for your patience, we can't wait to see what you think of what we've created for you.



Campaign Funded!
almost 5 years ago – Wed, Mar 18, 2020 at 02:35:23 AM

And with that, the campaign is over, with over 600 backers raising over $40,000 to help bring this project to life. Thank you all so much for backing us and helping us make Spheres a reality for D&D 5E!

It shouldn’t be too long before Kickstarter processes payments, but there is a two-week window they use for anyone who has difficulties processing to get things sorted. Then, once all of that is finished, we will officially start the playtest!

We’ve run many kickstarters by this point, but it never ceases to amaze me the feeling that comes when you see a large group of people who believe in you and help you make an idea into reality. Once again, thank you all so much, especially during this troubled time in the world, for being here with us and helping us make the jump from Pathfinder to 5E!

11 Hours Left, In the Home Stretch
almost 5 years ago – Tue, Mar 17, 2020 at 09:54:43 PM

We are so close to finishing off this campaign, and I am very happy with the way things have gone. Thank you to everyone who has believed in this project, whether you're an old hat at spheres excited to see it coming to a new system, or a new player who wants to see what this system can do for you and your 5e games.

A question came up about more details on how the playtest would be facilitated, so I thought I'd address that here:

First, we will be using Google Documents to distribute the playtest materials itself. This gives you the ability to leave comments directly on the documents when there's something you think we should know.

Second, we will be encouraging you to use our discord; if you want to discuss the playtest materials with fellow players, that is the easiest way to do so, and gives us the benefit of being able to see what you're talking about, which is an invaluable resource.

Finally, we will be using surveys periodically throughout the playtest to get more specialized feedback. This will let us get specialized feedback in case we have a question, and means you can make your voice heard, even if you don't care to participate in the discord or leave comments on the documents.

And, that's really about it. If you have any other questions about how we'll be running the playtest, please let us know, and thank you again to everyone who has shared our campaign and helped us reach this point.

Thank you,

Adam Meyeres

28 Hours To Go!
almost 5 years ago – Tue, Mar 17, 2020 at 01:46:30 AM

We are in the final day and the final stretch of the campaign. Thank you to everyone who has come out to join us, and thank you to everyone who has shared our campaign. There's still time to bring more people in and make this campaign as great as it can be; we recently did an interview if sharing it might help convince some people to back, and if you know anywhere we can get the word out for the final day, please let us know.

Thank you all so, so much for coming on this journey with us, I can't wait to see how it ends!

Leadership Unlocked! 62 Hours Left!!
almost 5 years ago – Mon, Mar 16, 2020 at 01:02:40 AM

Last night we passed the line for the next stretch goal, which adds the Leadership sphere to the Spheres of Might book and adds even more pages for class options to the Spheres of Power book, which is awesome and thank you to everyone who's joined us to help make that happen.

While at this point it would be appropriate to announce what the stretch goal after sphere monsters would be, I hesitate to do so, only because I get just as if not way more excited about stretch goals than anyone else, and if we put a stretch goal for more content added to the book and end up not meeting it, I'll be incredibly disappointed; if it looks like we'll break the sphere monsters goal with time to spare I will definitely announce the next one, but as it is I don't want to end up disappointed by announcing something awesome and then not getting to play with it.

Last 3 Days

There are 62 hours left in the campaign at the time of this writing, which means in less than 24 hours reminders will be sent out to everyone who saved the project. It's an exciting time as we see what can happen as we strive towards the finish, so please share the campaign with those you know who might be interested.

As for what to expect when the campaign ends:

When Kickstarter processes people's payments, they give them a 2 week period to correct any errors that might crop up with someone's credit card or other method of payment. Once payments are taken care of, we will send you links to backerkit to let you fill out information for us on things like your add-ons, and then we start the playtest! 

We will be using our Discord server to coordinate that playtest and hear your thoughts in real time, as well as occasionally sending out important surveys through kickstarter to get your opinions on different directions we have or are thinking of taking things.

Thank you all again for being here and helping us launch these books. It means a lot to us that there are people out there who are interested in what we do and in bringing our system to a whole new set of players. I can't wait to see what the next 62 hours bring!